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Audiology at Atrius Health

Welcome to the Audiology Department at Atrius Health. Our team treats patients with hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing, noises in the ear), vertigo, ear infections, speech/language delay, as well as other hearing-related issues.

Hearing Loss

Did you know . . .

  • Approximately 36 million Americans suffer from hearing loss.
  • More than half of the people with hearing loss are younger than age 65.
  • Untreated hearing loss can affect your ability to understand speech and can negatively impact your social and emotional well-being.
  • Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the United States.

~ American Academy of Audiology

Hearing loss can affect relationships, school performance, job productivity, and emotional well-being. Hearing loss can occur gradually or it may happen suddenly. Common causes include exposure to loud noises, allergies, ear infections, reactions to medications and injury, as well as normal age-related deterioration of hearing or genetic conditions. Hearing loss can often be easily diagnosed and treated.

Common symptoms include:

  • Muffled hearing
  • Difficulty understanding what people are saying, especially when there are competing voices or background noise
  • Listening to the television or radio at a higher volume than in the past
  • Avoiding conversation and social interaction
  • Ringing, roaring, hissing, or buzzing in the ear (tinnitus)
  • Vertigo, an uncomfortable feeling of motion when there is no actual movement

The Audiology Department works closely with the Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose & Throat) department.